Many people often feel like water aerobics is for older folks that have a hard time exercising in the gym or doing weight training. Many people in society deal with aches and pains in their joints and cannot lift weights because of it, but inside the pool, you can get a great workout, if not sometimes better than lifting weights outside of the pool.
Water aerobics is great workout for all adults and can be beneficial to strengthen the entire body. Water aerobics is a combination of strength training for building lean muscle tissue, improving your cardiovascular system and is combined with great music that gets your pumping and great fitness instructors. This form of exercise is highly recommended at least once to twice a week to alleviate pressure from gravity pulling on your joints and to relieve tension in the muscle. Anyone with arthritis or osteoporosis it can be very beneficial. This is because the water holds up the body and supports the body by 80% of the body weight. This helps low impact on joints on your knees, back and other parts of the body that would be stressed in a regular weight lifting exercise or daily routine.
Some athletes do water aerobics as a workout. I asked a former collegiate athlete about her experience with water aerobics. She said, “I love water aerobics, and swear by water it. If you have not tried this type of workout you need to. If you have a good instructor they will challenge your abilities in the pool making you stronger, leaner and faster outside of the pool. You will have a lot of fun while working out, yet you won’t feel the hard work that you put in until you get out of the pool, than you really feel the muscles have been worked and your body fat will decrease, and weight will go down each week.” She is now a water aerobics instructor here at Utah’s Live-In Fitness Camp. There are statistics that show a ground workout in half an hour will burn about 135 calories, while in the water you would burn about 264 calories.
Some benefits of water aerobics are that it can help treat arthritis and osteoporosis. It can also help with joint pain. It can also be very relaxing being in the pool. There are some disadvantages that you need to know. Some people might have some skin irritation, this is due to the chemicals that are put into the pool, but you can protect yourself from it by taking a shower before getting into the pool. There are also some limitations also, because it is a pool some exercises are very limited and will vary with how you do the exercise.
Here at Utah’s Live-In Fitness Camp we provide expert trainers that personalize in water aerobics. We highly encourage water aerobics to everyone. Weight training and exercising is important even if you have a harder time lift weights, water aerobics is a great alternative regardless if you can lift weights or not. Try it out! Join us at Utah’s Live-In Fitness Camp to experience the most extreme boot camp style water aerobics class in the nation.