So, how much sugar should we have each day?
>3 servings of fruit each day
>sweets in moderation/limited
>40 grams or less of ADDED sugar/ day
Wait…if fruit has sugar, does that mean I shouldn’t eat it?
>No!!! Fruit is one of the healthiest things we can eat! Make sure to consume 3 servings per day! Fruit has vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.
>Studies suggest that those who consume fruit as part of their normal diet (diet here means dietary intake….not diet as we tend to think of it) actually crave sugar less.
Look for sugar in the ingredient list. As a general rule, sugar should not be listed in the first five ingredients. Be careful though, because sugar has many names. Anything that ends in “-ose” is a form of sugar (i.e. fructose, sucrose). Sugar hides under many other names. Here is a list of names for sugar:
1. Barley malt
2. Beet sugar
3. Brown sugar

4. Buttered syrup
5. Cane juice crystals
6. Cane sugar
7. Caramel
8. Corn syrup
9. Corn syrup solids
10. Confectioner’s sugar
11. Carob syrup
12. Castor sugar
13. Date sugar
14. Demerara sugar
15. Dextran
16. Dextrose
17. Diastatic malt
18. Diatase
19. Ethyl maltol
20. Fructose
21. Fruit juice
22. Fruit juice concentrate
23. Galactose
24. Glucose
25. Glucose solids
26. Golden sugar
27. Golden syrup
28. Grape sugar
29. High-fructose corn syrup
30. Honey
31. Icing sugar
32. Invert sugar
33. Lactose
34. Maltodextrin
35. Maltose
36. Malt syrup
37. Maple syrup
38. Molasses
39. Muscovado sugar
40. Panocha
41. Raw sugar
42. Refiner’s syrup
43. Rice syrup
44. Sorbitol
45. Sorghum syrup
46. Sucrose
47. Sugar
48. Treacle
49. Turbinado sugar
50. Yellow sugar