We’ve all heard someone complain that they can’t lose weight because they have a slow metabolism. What exactly is metabolism, and how does it affect weight loss? Simply put, our metabolism is how efficiently we use energy (food). A person with a slow metabolism conserves the amount of energy expended by using the calories from the food more efficiently than someone with a fast metabolism. While a slow metabolism would be beneficial in times of scarcity, it is not beneficial for someone who is trying to lose weight.
There are four simple ways to boost your metabolism

and therefore lose weight faster.
First, eat breakfast within an hour of rising. We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why is that? Breakfast is just that, breaking a fast. While you sleep, your body slows down. When we eat breakfast we are telling our bodies to wake up and telling our metabolism to get going.
Second, don’t starve yourself. It may seem counterintuitive, but you can’t just cut calories to lose weight. If you don’t consume enough calories, your metabolism enters starvation mode and slows down significantly. Aim for eating six small meals each day with each meal spaced about three hours apart. When you eat small meals throughout the day, it keeps your metabolism revved up and burning calories.
Third, exercise at least five days per week.

Include both aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (weight lifting) exercises. Aerobic exercises increase your metabolism while you are in the process of working out. Anaerobic exercises such as weight training significantly increase your metabolism even after you are done working out, creating an “after-burn” effect where you continue to burn calories at an increased rate for hours after completing the exercise. Plus, muscle burns more calories than fat, so a person who has more muscle mass burns more calories at rest than a similar person who has more fat.
Fourth, drink plenty of water.

Your body is composed of a high content of water. Even your metabolism needs water in order to work properly. Remember this simple rule: if you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Drink up!
At Utah’s Live-In Fitness Camp, our personal trainers guide you through daily activities that help you increase your metabolism. They will be with you throughout every step of your five to seven hours of exercise each day. They will help you increase your metabolism and muscle mass while shedding pounds of fat each week. With so much activity to help work up an appetite, take comfort

in knowing that you will always have enough healthy and delicious food to keep you going. Three gourmet meals are provided each day as well as three snacks. This ensures that you are able to eat every few hours and keep your metabolism running at its peak.
Come stay with us in our beautiful valley location in the shadow of Utah’s Wasatch Mountains. Learn how to change your life and be the best you that you can be. Release the fit and healthy person inside you. Jump-start your fitness goals and learn how to make the results last for the rest of your life!
About Utah's Live-In Fitness Camp
Utah's Live-In Fitness Camp is located in the Salt Lake Valley at the foot of the Wasatch Mountains in northern Utah. Our highly trained staff of personal trainers is well educated in maximizing weight loss through high intensity workouts. Skilled massage therapists make scheduled visits to your spacious personal suite for 30, 60, or 90 minute massages to keep muscles flexible and feeling great. Indoor and outdoor activities make active time fun and exciting. Nutritionists and chefs bring flair and flavor to our balanced meals and snacks. Counselors and life coaches help bring a level of understanding to each personal journey and help bring about lasting change and motivation. You can be healthy! And we can teach you how! Contact Utah's Live-In Fitness Camp at www.utahweightlossretreat.com today!